Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K/A
                               (Amendment No. 1)

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported):
                       March 18, 1999 (February 25, 1999)

                           AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Delaware                  001-14195              65-0723837
(State or Other Jurisdiction       (Commission            (IRS Employer
    of Incorporation)              File Number)           Identification No.)

         116 Huntington Avenue
          Boston, Massachusetts                                  02116
 (Address of Principal Executive Offices)                      (Zip Code)

                                 (617) 375-7500
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Item 2.  Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.

On February  25,  1999,  American  Tower  Corporation  ("ATC" or the  "Company")
consummated  the  transactions  contemplated by the Agreement and Plan of Merger
(the "Omni  Merger  Agreement"),  by and among ATC,  American  Towers,  Inc.,  a
Delaware  corporation  ("ATI"),  and OmniAmerica,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation
("OmniAmerica"),  dated as of November 16, 1998, whereby  OmniAmerica was merged
(the "Omni  Merger") with and into ATI,  with ATI as the surviving  corporation.
Pursuant to the Omni Merger  Agreement,  the Company issued 16,750,554 shares of
Class A Common Stock of ATC and assumed  971,850  options to purchase  shares of
Class A Common Stock of ATC previously granted under Omni stock option plans. In
connection  with the Omni  Merger,  the  Company  paid off  approximately  $94.3
million of assumed debt from available cash balances.  Upon  consummation of the
Omni Merger,  Jack D. Furst, the Chairman of OmniAmerica and a Partner of Hicks,
Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated,  OmniAmerica's largest shareholder, was elected
to the Board of Directors of ATC.

For more information,  see the ATC press release, dated February 25, 1999, which
is attached herewith as Exhibit 99.1.

On February 26, 1999,  ATC  consummated  the  transactions  contemplated  by the
Amended  and  Restated  Agreement  and  Plan  of  Merger  (the  "TeleCom  Merger
Agreement"),  by  and  among  ATC,  ATI,  ATC  Merger  Corporation,  a  Delaware
corporation ("ATMC"),  and TeleCom Towers,  L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability
company  ("TeleCom"),  dated as of December 18, 1998,  as amended as of December
23, 1998 and February 26, 1999,  whereby ATMC was merged (the "TeleCom  Merger")
with and into  TeleCom,  with TeleCom as the surviving  entity.  Pursuant to the
TeleCom Merger Agreement,  the Company issued 3,940,874 shares of Class A Common
Stock  of  ATC  and  paid  approximately  $60.1  million  in  cash  and  assumed
approximately  $48.4 million in debt, of which  approximately  $44.1 million was
paid off at closing from  available  cash  balances.  Upon  consummation  of the
TeleCom  Merger,  Dean H. Eisner,  Vice  President of Business  Development  and
Planning of Cox Enterprises, Inc., an affiliate of Cox Telecom Towers, Inc., the
principal member of TeleCom, was elected to the Board of Directors of ATC.

For more information,  see the ATC press release, dated February 26, 1999, which
is attached herewith as Exhibit 99.2.

Giving effect to the consummation of the Omni Merger and the TeleCom Merger, ATC
currently  operates  more than  3,200  towers in 44 states and the  District  of
Columbia.  Based in Boston,  the Company has a national  footprint with regional
hubs in Boston, Albuquerque, Atlanta, Chicago, Houston and San Francisco.

Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.

         (a)  Financial  Statements  of  Business  Acquired  and (b)  Pro  Forma
Financial Information.

         Pursuant to  Regulation  240.15d-11,  the Company filed a Form 8-K/A on
         January 27, 1999, indicating that it satisfied the requirements of Form
         8-K, which require the Company to provide financial  statements for the
         periods  specified  in  Regulation  210.3.05  and pro  forma  financial
         statements for the periods specified in Regulation 210.11.02 and 11.03,
         in  the  Company's  Registration  Statements  on  Form  S-4  (File  No.
         333-70683  and File No.  333-70685),  as filed on January  15, 1999 and
         declared  effective by the Securities  and Exchange  Commission on that

         (c) Exhibits.

         Exhibit 2.1  - Amendment to the Amended and Restated Agreement and
                        Plan of Merger, dated as of February 26, 1999, by
                        and among ATC, ATI, ATMC and Telecom.

         Exhibit 10.1 - Amended and Restated Registration Agreement, dated as of
                        February 25, 1999, among ATC and each of the Parties 
                        named therein.

         Exhibit 99.1 - Press Release of ATC, dated February 25, 1999.

         Exhibit 99.2 - Press Release of ATC, dated February 26, 1999.


      Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                             AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION

Date: March 18, 1999         By: /s/ Justin D. Benincasa
                                Name: Justin D. Benincasa
                                Title: Vice President and Corporate Controller

                                                                     EXHIBIT 2.1

         Amendment,  dated as of February 26, 1999, by and among  American Tower
Corporation,  a Delaware corporation ("ATC"),  American Towers, Inc., a Delaware
corporation  ("ATI"), ATC Merger Corporation,  a Delaware corporation  ("ATMC"),
and TeleCom Towers, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company ("TCT"), to the
Amended and  Restated  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  dated as of December  18,
1998, as further amended by the Amendment,  dated as of December 23, 1998 (as so
amended, the "Merger Agreement"), by and among ATC, ATI, ATMC and TCT.

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS,  ATC,  ATI  and  TCT  are  parties  to the  Merger  Agreement,
providing  for the merger of ATMC with and into TCT on the terms and  conditions
set forth therein; and

         WHEREAS, ATC, ATI, ATMC and TCT desire to amend the Merger Agreement in
certain respects; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Boards  of  Directors  of  ATC,  ATI  and  ATMC  and the
Management  Committee of TCT and the TCT Members have heretofore  authorized the
officers of such companies to enter into amendments to the Merger Agreement;

         NOW,   THEREFORE,   in   consideration   of  the   premises   and   the
representations, warranties, covenants and agreements herein contained and other
valuable   consideration,   the   receipt  and   adequacy   whereof  are  hereby
acknowledged,  the  parties  hereto  hereby,  intending  to  be  legally  bound,
represent, warrant, covenant and agree as follows:


         As used  herein,  unless  the  context  otherwise  requires,  the terms
defined  in  Appendix  A to the  Merger  Agreement  when used in this  Amendment
without definition shall have the respective  meanings set forth therein.  Terms
defined in the singular shall have a comparable meaning when used in the plural,
and vice versa,  and the  reference to any gender shall be deemed to include all
genders.  Unless otherwise  defined or the context  otherwise  clearly requires,
terms for which  meanings  are  provided in this  Amendment or Appendix A to the
Merger Agreement shall have such meanings when used in each Collateral  Document
executed  or required to be  executed  pursuant  hereto or thereto or  otherwise
delivered,  from  time to  time,  pursuant  hereto  or  thereto.  References  to
"hereof," "herein" or similar terms are intended to refer to this Amendment as a
whole and not a particular  section,  and  references to "this Section" or "this
Article"  are  intended  to refer to the entire  section  or  article  and not a
particular subsection thereof. The term "either party" shall, unless the context
otherwise requires, refer to ATC, ATI and ATMC, on the one hand, and TCT, on the
other hand.


                  (a)  Limitation  of  Liability.  Section  9.3(a) of the Merger
         Agreement shall be amended to read in its entirety as follows:

                  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  Section  9.2,  after the
                  Closing, the ATC Indemnified Parties, on the one hand, and the
                  TCT Members,  on the other hand,  shall be entitled to recover
                  their Loss and Expense in respect of any Claim only (i) in the
                  event  that the  aggregate  Loss and  Expense  for all  Claims
                  exceed,  in the aggregate,  $500,000 (except to the extent any
                  such Claim  relates to the  Nonassigned  TCT Assets,  to which
                  such $500,000  threshold shall not apply),  in which event the
                  indemnified  party  shall be entitled to recover all such Loss
                  and Expense  including such $500,000;  (ii) to the extent that
                  the aggregate Loss

                  and Expense for all Claims do not exceed $5,000,000; and (iii)
                  an  additional  $225,000 in cash shall be placed in a separate
                  escrow pursuant to Section 3 of the Indemnity Escrow Agreement
                  to  satisfy  any  Claims  related  to the Mt.  Potosi,  Nevada
                  broadcast communications site (the "Mt. Potosi Escrow").

                  (b)  Appendix  A.  Appendix A is amended to add the  following
         definitions in their appropriate alphabetical order:

                  "Nonassigned   TCT   Assets"   shall   mean   any   agreement,
arrangement, commitment, contract, indemnity, undertaking or other obligation or
liability to which "TeleCom Towers, Inc." or "Telecom Towers, Inc." is party, as
set forth in the TCT Disclosure  Schedule,  including  without  limitation those
related to the Mt. Potosi, Nevada broadcast communications site.

         "Mt.  Potosi  Escrow"  shall  have the  meaning  given to it in Section


                  (a)  No  Other   Changes  in  Merger   Agreement.   Except  as
         specifically  amended by this  Amendment,  the Merger  Agreement  shall
         remain in full  force and effect and shall not  otherwise  be  amended,
         modified or changed by this Amendment.

                  (b)  Incorporation  by Reference.  The  provisions of Sections
         10.1 through 10.13,  both inclusive,  of the Merger  Agreement shall be
         deemed  incorporated herein by reference with the same force and effect
         as though set forth hereat in their entirety, except that any reference
         to the term "this Agreement" in any such  incorporated  provision shall
         be deemed to refer to this Amendment.

                  (c) References. Any reference to the "Merger Agreement" in any
         of the  Collateral  Documents,  or in  any  certificate,  agreement  or
         instrument  delivered  in  connection  with  the  consummation  of  the
         transactions  contemplated  by the Merger  Agreement shall be deemed to
         refer to the Merger Agreement, as amended hereby.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Amendment or caused
this  Amendment  to be  executed by their  respective  officers  thereunto  duly
authorized as of the date first written above.

                             American Tower Corporation
                             By:  __________________________________________
                                  Name: James S. Eisenstein
                                  Title: Executive Vice President--Corporate
                             ATC Merger Corporation
                             By:  __________________________________________
                                  Name: James S. Eisenstein
                                  Title: Executive Vice President--Corporate
                             American Towers, Inc.
                             By:  __________________________________________
                                  Name: James S. Eisenstein
                                  Title: Executive Vice President--Corporate
                             TeleCom Towers, L.L.C.
                                 Name: Randall N. Smith
                                 Title: Chairman & CEO

                                                                    EXHIBIT 10.1



                           AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION


                          THE STOCKHOLDERS NAMED HEREIN

                                February 25, 1999

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.       Registration of Securities...........................................1
         (a)      Registration by ATC.........................................1
         (b)      Registration at Stockholders' Request.......................2
         (c)      Registration Generally......................................3
         (d)      Restrictions on Registration................................7
         (e)      Additional Restrictions on Registration.....................7

2.       Conditions to Registration...........................................8

3.       Indemnification......................................................8
         (a)      Indemnification by ATC......................................8
         (b)      Indemnification by Holders of Registrable Securities........9
         (c)      Procedure...................................................9
         (d)      Contribution...............................................10

4.       Exchange Act Registration...........................................11

5.       Termination of Registration Obligations.............................12

6.       Registration Rights of Others.......................................13

7.       Mergers, etc........................................................13

8.       Annual and Quarterly Reports; Other Information.....................13

9.       Lock-Up Agreement...................................................13

10.      Withdrawals.........................................................14

11.      Definitions.........................................................14

12.      Miscellaneous.......................................................18
         (a)      Assignment; Successors and Assigns.........................18
         (b)      Specific Performance; Other Rights and Remedies............18
         (c)      Expenses...................................................18
         (d)      Entire Agreement...........................................18
         (e)      Waivers; Amendments........................................19
         (f)      Notices....................................................19
         (g)      Severability...............................................19
         (h)      Counterparts...............................................20
         (i)      Section Headings...........................................20
         (j)      Governing Law..............................................20
         (k)      Further Acts...............................................20


         This  Amended  and  Restated   Registration   Rights   Agreement  (this
"Agreement")  is made and entered  into as of February  25,  1999,  by and among
American Tower Corporation,  a Delaware corporation ("ATC"), and the undersigned
Persons which have heretofore agreed to acquire or have acquired the Registrable
Securities  (individually a "Stockholder"  and collectively  the  "Stockholders"
which term is further defined in Section 12(a)).

         WHEREAS,  American  Tower  Systems  Corporation  (now known as American
Tower Corporation) and certain of the Stockholders are parties to a Registration
Rights  Agreement,  dated as of January  22,  1998 (the  "Original  Registration
Rights Agreement"); and

         WHEREAS,  ATC and the  Stockholders  desire  to amend and  restate  the
Original  Registration  Rights Agreement in its entirety to make certain changes
to the Original Registration Rights Agreement; and

         WHEREAS,  ATC  has  entered  into  and  may in the  future  enter  into
agreements  pursuant  to  which  it has  agreed  or will  have  agreed  to issue
securities  the  holders of which have  required  or will  require  registration
rights of a nature set forth in this Agreement;

         NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the recitals, the mutual covenants
and agreements herein contained, and other valuable consideration,  the receipt,
adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the parties hereto,
intending to be legally bound, do hereby covenant and agree as follows:

         1.       Registration of Securities.

         (a)  Registration by ATC. If at any time or from time to time ATC shall
propose  to file on its  behalf or on behalf  of any of its  security  holders a
registration  statement  under the  Securities  Act with respect to any class of
Common Stock, except in connection with an Excluded Offering,  ATC shall, except
to the extent not required to do so pursuant to the  provisions  of Section 1(d)
or 1(e), in each case:

                  (i) promptly give written notice to each  Stockholder at least
         thirty (30) days (or such shorter period as ATC deems  reasonable under
         the  circumstances)  before the  anticipated  filing date.  Such notice
         shall include the  anticipated  offering price or range thereof and the
         plan of distribution;

                  (ii)   include   in  such   registration   (and  any   related
         qualification  under blue sky or other state securities  laws), and, at
         the request of a Stockholder, in any underwriting involved therein, all
         Registrable Securities specified in a written request or requests, made
         within ten (10)  business  days after such written  notice from ATC, by
         any Stockholder; and

                  (iii)  use  its  reasonable  business  efforts  to  cause  the
         managing  underwriter  or  underwriters  of any  proposed  underwritten
         offering  of any  class of  Common  Stock  to  permit  the  Registrable
         Securities  requested to be included in the Registration  Statement for
         such  offering on the same terms and  conditions as the Common Stock of
         ATC included therein.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if the managing
         underwriters of such offering  deliver a written opinion to the holders
         of such Registrable Securities that marketing  considerations require a
         limitation on the Registrable  Securities  included in any Registration
         Statement filed under this Section, then, subject to the advice of said
         managing  underwriter or underwriters as to the size and composition of
         the  offering,  and subject to the  provisions  of Section  1(d),  such
         limitation  will be imposed pro rata (based upon the relative  proposed
         public  offering  price of the  Registrable  Securities  proposed to be
         included)  among all holders of  Registrable  Securities  who requested
         inclusion in the registration pursuant to this Section.

         If any Stockholder  desires to have Registrable  Securities  registered
under this Section,  it shall be required so to advise ATC in writing within ten
(10) business  days after the date of ATC's notice,  setting forth the number or
amount of Registrable Securities for which registration is so requested. Neither
the delivery of the notice by ATC nor of the request by any  Stockholders  shall
in any way obligate ATC to file a Registration  Statement  and,  notwithstanding
such filing, ATC may, at any time prior to the effective date thereof, determine
not to offer the securities to which the registration  statement relates without
liability to any of the Stockholders.  No registration of Registrable Securities
effected  under this  Section  shall  relieve  ATC of its  obligation  to effect
registration  of  Registrable  Securities  upon any request made pursuant to the
provisions of Section 1(b).

         Anything in this  Section  1(a) to the  contrary  notwithstanding,  the
provisions  of this Section 1(a) shall not apply to any  registration  statement
filed by ATC under the  Securities  Act pursuant to the  provisions  of the CSFB

         (b) Registration at Stockholders'  Request. Upon the written request of
any Significant  Stockholder  requesting that ATC effect the registration  under
the Securities  Act of all or part of the  Registrable  Securities  held by such
Stockholder,  specifying  the intended  method or methods of disposition of such
Registrable  Securities,  ATC shall,  except to the extent not required to do so
pursuant to the provisions of this Section 1(b) or Section 1(d) or (e), promptly
(and in any event  within five (5) business  days) give  written  notice of such
requested  registration  to all holders of Registrable  Securities and thereupon
will expeditiously  prepare and, within forty-five (45) days, use its reasonable
business  efforts to file under the Securities Act a registration  statement and
effect the registration of:

                  (i) the Registrable Securities which ATC has been so requested
         to register by such  Stockholders,  for  disposition in accordance with
         the intended method of disposition stated in such request, and

                  (ii)  all  other  Registrable  Securities  which  ATC has been
         requested  to  register  by the holders of  Registrable  Securities  by
         written  request  delivered to ATC within ten (10)  business days after
         the  giving of such  notice by ATC (which  request  shall  specify  the
         intended method of disposition of such Registrable Securities).

         Each registration  requested pursuant to this Section shall be effected
by the filing of a Registration Statement on Form S-1 (or such other form as the
Commission  may  from  time to time  require  in order  to  effectuate  a public
offering of common stock of a company such as ATC and in a method of disposition
such as that proposed),  unless the use of a different form has been agreed upon
in  writing by holders  of not less than a  majority  in value  (based  upon the
proposed  public  offering  price)  of the  Registrable  Securities  as to which
registration has so been requested.  Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, ATC
need not so cause a  Registration  Statement so filed pursuant to the provisions
of this Section on a Form S-1 (or any successor form) to become  effective under
the  Securities  Act on more  than  four  (4)  occasions,  one of  which  can be
initiated  only by or with the  consent of Cox;  provided,  however,  that there
shall be no limit on the number of times ATC is obligated  to file  Registration
Statements  on  Form  S-2  or S-3  (or  any  successor  forms)  pursuant  to the
provisions  of  this  Section  (except  as  contemplated  by the  definition  of
Significant  Stockholder);  and provided further, however, that any registration
of Registrable Securities requested by one or more Stockholders pursuant to this
Section which shall not have become and remained  effective in  accordance  with
the  provisions  of Section  1(c) shall not be deemed to be a  registration  for
purposes of this Section.

         ATC shall not grant to any person the right to request ATC to register,
nor  shall  ATC  include  in any  registration  pursuant  to this  Section,  any
securities other than the Registrable Securities, without the written consent of
holders of not less than a majority  in value  (based upon the  proposed  public
offering price) of the Registrable  Securities as to which registration has been
so requested.


         Whenever registration requested by one or more Stockholders pursuant to
this Section is for an underwritten offering,  only Registrable Securities which
are to be distributed by the underwriters designated by such Stockholders may be
included in such  registration,  without  the written  consent of holders of not
less than a majority in value (based upon the proposed public offering price) of
the Registrable  Securities as to which  registration has been so requested.  If
Stockholders  holding  not less  than a  majority  in  value of the  Registrable
Securities  (based upon the proposed  public  offering  price) to be included in
such  registration  shall  determine that the number of  Registrable  Securities
should  be  limited  due to market  conditions  or  otherwise,  all  holders  of
Registrable   Securities  proposing  to  sell  Registrable  Securities  in  such
underwritten  offering  shall  share  pro  rata  in the  number  of  Registrable
Securities to be excluded from such  underwritten  offering,  such sharing to be
based on the  value  (based  upon the  proposed  public  offering  price) of the
respective  numbers of Registrable  Securities as to which registration has been
requested by such Stockholders.

         (c)  Registration  Generally.  If and when ATC shall be required by the
provisions of this Section to effect the registration of Registrable  Securities
under the Securities Act, ATC will use its reasonable business efforts to effect
such  registration  to  permit  the  sale  of  such  Registrable  Securities  in
accordance  with the  intended  method or methods of  disposition  thereof,  and
pursuant thereto it will, subject to the provisions of Section 1(d) and 1(e), as
expeditiously as possible:

                  (i) before  filing a  Registration  Statement or Prospectus or
         any  amendments or supplements  thereto,  furnish to the holders of the
         Registrable  Securities covered by such Registration  Statement and the
         managing underwriters, if any, copies of all such documents proposed to
         be filed,  which documents will be made  available,  on a timely basis,
         for  review by such  holders  and  underwriters,  and their  respective
         counsel, and ATC will not file any Registration  Statement or amendment
         thereto  or any  Prospectus  or any  supplement  thereto  to which  the
         holders of not less than a majority in value  (based upon the  proposed
         public offering price) of the  Registrable  Securities  covered by such
         Registration  Statement or the  managing  underwriters,  if any,  shall
         reasonably have objected;

                  (ii) prepare and file with the Commission  such amendments and
         post-effective  amendments  to any  Registration  Statement,  and  such
         supplements to the  Prospectus,  as may be reasonably  requested by any
         holder  of  Registrable   Securities   included  in  such  Registration
         Statement or any  underwriter  of  Registrable  Securities or as may be
         required by the rules,  regulations or  instructions  applicable to the
         registration  form  utilized  by  ATC  or by the  Securities  Act,  the
         Exchange Act or otherwise necessary to keep such Registration Statement
         effective  for the  applicable  period and cause the  Prospectus  as so
         supplemented to be filed pursuant to Rule 424 under the Securities Act;
         and comply with the  provisions of the  Securities  Act with respect to
         the  disposition  of  all  Registrable   Securities   covered  by  such
         Registration  Statement during the applicable period in accordance with
         the intended  method or methods of  disposition  by the holders of such
         Registrable  Securities  set forth in such  Registration  Statement  or
         Prospectus as so supplemented;

                  (iii) notify the selling holders of Registrable Securities and
         the managing  underwriters,  if any, promptly, and (if requested by any
         such Person) confirm such advice in writing,

                           (A)      when  the   Prospectus  or  any   supplement
                                    thereto or any  amendment or  post-effective
                                    amendment to the Registration  Statement has
                                    been  filed,   and,   with  respect  to  the
                                    Registration Statement or any post-effective
                                    amendment,   when  the   same   has   become

                           (B)      of  any  request  by  the   Commission   for
                                    amendments or  post-effective  amendments to
                                    the Registration Statement or supplements to
                                    the    Prospectus    or    for    additional


                           (C)      of the  issuance  by the  Commission  of any
                                    stop order  suspending the  effectiveness of
                                    the Registration Statement or the initiation
                                    or  threatening  of any  proceeding for such

                           (D)      if  at  any  time  the  representations  and
                                    warranties of ATC  contemplated by paragraph
                                    (xv) below  cease to be true and  correct in
                                    all material respects,

                           (E)      of the  receipt  by ATC of any  notification
                                    with  respect  to  the   suspension  of  the
                                    qualification of the Registrable  Securities
                                    for   sale  in  any   jurisdiction   or  the
                                    initiation or  threatening of any proceeding
                                    for such purpose, and

                           (F)      of the  existence of any Event which results
                                    in   the   Registration    Statement,    the
                                    Prospectus  or  any  document   incorporated
                                    therein by  reference  containing  an untrue
                                    statement  of  material  fact or omitting to
                                    state a material  fact required to be stated
                                    therein or necessary to make the  statements
                                    therein, in light of the circumstances under
                                    which they were made, not misleading;

                  (iv)  use  its  reasonable  business  efforts  to  obtain  the
         withdrawal  of  any  order   suspending   the   effectiveness   of  the
         Registration  Statement or any qualification  referred to in paragraphs
         (iii)(C) and (iii)(E) at the earliest possible moment;

                  (v) if requested by the managing  underwriters  or a holder of
         Registrable  Securities  being sold in connection  with an underwritten
         offering,   immediately  incorporate  in  a  Prospectus  supplement  or
         post-effective amendment to the Registration Statement such information
         as the managing underwriters or the holders of not less than a majority
         in value  (based  upon  the  proposed  public  offering  price)  of the
         Registrable  Securities being sold reasonably  request to have included
         therein  relating  to the plan of  distribution  with  respect  to such
         Registrable Securities, including, without limitation, information with
         respect to the  amount of other  Registrable  Securities  being sold to
         such  underwriters,  the  purchase  price  being paid  therefor by such
         underwriters  and with  respect to any other terms of the  underwritten
         (or best efforts underwritten)  offering of the Registrable  Securities
         to be sold in such  offering;  and make all  required  filings  of such
         Prospectus supplement or post-effective  amendment promptly after being
         notified  of  the  matters  to  be   incorporated  in  such  Prospectus
         supplement or post-effective amendment;

                  (vi) at the  request  of any  selling  holder  of  Registrable
         Securities,  furnish to such selling holder of  Registrable  Securities
         and each managing  underwriter,  if any,  without charge,  at least one
         signed  copy  of the  Registration  Statement  and  any  post-effective
         amendment thereto,  including financial  statements and schedules,  all
         documents incorporated therein by reference and all exhibits (including
         those incorporated by reference);

                  (vii) deliver to each selling holder of Registrable Securities
         and the  underwriters,  if any,  without charge,  as many copies of the
         Registration  Statement,  each Prospectus  (including each  preliminary
         prospectus)  and any  amendment  or  supplement  thereto  (in each case
         including  all  exhibits,  except  that ATC shall not be  obligated  to
         furnish any such selling  holder more than two copies of such  exhibits
         other than  incorporation  documents),  as such persons may  reasonably
         request, together with such documents incorporated by reference in such
         Registration Statement or Prospectus,  and such other documents as such
         selling  holder  or  underwriter  may  reasonably  request  in order to
         facilitate the  disposition of the  Registrable  Securities  covered by
         such registration statement; ATC consents to the use of each Prospectus
         or any  supplement  thereto  by  each  selling  holder  of  Registrable
         Securities  and  the  underwriters,  if any,  in  connection  with  the
         offering  and  sale  of the  Registrable  Securities  covered  by  each
         Registration Statement or any amendment thereto;


                  (viii) prior to any public offering of Registrable Securities,
         use its reasonable business efforts to register or qualify or cooperate
         with the selling holders of Registrable  Securities,  the underwriters,
         if  any,  and  their   respective   counsel  in  connection   with  the
         registration or qualification of such Registrable  Securities for offer
         and sale under the securities or blue sky laws of such jurisdictions as
         any selling holder or underwriter reasonably requests in writing and do
         any and all other acts or things  necessary  or advisable to enable the
         disposition in such jurisdictions of the Registrable Securities covered
         by the Registration Statement;  provided, however, that ATC will not be
         required to qualify generally to do business in any jurisdiction  where
         it is not then so qualified  or to take any action which would  subject
         it to  general  service of  process  or  general  taxation  in any such
         jurisdiction where it is not then so subject;

                  (ix)  cooperate  with  the  selling   holders  of  Registrable
         Securities  and the  underwriters,  if any,  to  facilitate  the timely
         preparation  and  delivery  of  certificates  representing  Registrable
         Securities  to be sold and not bearing  any  restrictive  legends;  and
         enable such  Registrable  Securities  to be in such  denominations  and
         registered in such names as the underwriters may reasonably  request at
         least two (2) business days prior to any sale of Registrable Securities
         to the underwriters;

                  (x)  use  its  reasonable   business   efforts  to  cause  the
         Registrable  Securities  covered by the  Registration  Statement  to be
         registered  with or  approved  by such other  governmental  agencies or
         authorities  as may be  necessary  or  advisable  to enable the sellers
         thereof or the  underwriters,  if any, to consummate the disposition of
         such Registrable Securities;

                  (xi) if any event  contemplated  by paragraph  (iii) (F) above
         shall  exist,  prepare  and  furnish to such  holders a  post-effective
         amendment to the Registration Statement or supplement to the Prospectus
         or any  document  incorporated  therein by  reference or file any other
         required document so that, as thereafter delivered to the purchasers of
         the Registrable  Securities,  the Prospectus will not contain an untrue
         statement  of a  material  fact or  omit to  state  any  material  fact
         required  to be stated  therein  or  necessary  to make the  statements
         therein,  in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not

                  (xii)  cause  all  Registrable   Securities   covered  by  the
         Registration  Statement  to be listed on each  securities  exchange  or
         other  trading  market on which  securities  of the same class are then
         listed or traded or, if the Registrable  Securities are not then listed
         on a  securities  exchange,  and if the NASD is  reasonably  likely  to
         permit the inclusion of the Registrable  Securities on NASDAQ,  use its
         reasonable   business  efforts  to  facilitate  the  inclusion  of  the
         Registrable Securities on NASDAQ;

                  (xiii) not later than the effective  date of the  Registration
         Statement,  provide a CUSIP number for all  Registrable  Securities and
         provide  the   applicable   transfer   agent  or  agents  with  printed
         certificates or instruments for the Registrable Securities which are in
         a form  eligible for deposit  with  Depository  Trust  Company or other
         transferee  and otherwise  meeting the  requirements  of any securities
         exchange or other trading market on which such  Registrable  Securities
         are listed or traded;

                  (xiv) pay all  Registration  Expenses in  connection  with any
         registration  pursuant  to the  provisions  of  this  Section.  Without
         limiting the  generality  of the  foregoing,  in  connection  with each
         Registration  Statement  required  hereunder,  ATC will  reimburse  the
         holders of Registrable  Securities  being  registered  pursuant to such
         Registration Statement for the reasonable fees and disbursements of not
         more than one counsel  (or more than one  counsel if a conflict  exists
         among such selling  holders in the exercise of the reasonable  judgment
         of counsel for the selling  holders and counsel for ATC,  provided that
         such selling  holders shall use their  reasonable  business  efforts to
         minimize conflicts of counsel) chosen by the holders of not less than a
         majority in value (based on the proposed  public offering price) of the
         Registrable Securities being sold;


                  (xv) enter into agreements (including underwriting agreements)
         and  take all  other  appropriate  actions  in  order  to  expedite  or
         facilitate the disposition of such  Registrable  Securities and in such
         connection,  whether or not an  underwriting  agreement is entered into
         and whether or not the offer and sale of the Registrable  Securities is
         an underwritten offering:

                           (A)      make such  representations and warranties to
                                    the holders of such  Registrable  Securities
                                    and  the  underwriters,  if  any,  in  form,
                                    substance and scope, reasonably satisfactory
                                    to such  holders  and  underwriters,  as are
                                    customarily  made by issuers to underwriters
                                    in primary underwritten offerings;

                           (B)      obtain   opinions  and  updates  thereof  of
                                    counsel  which  counsel and  opinions to ATC
                                    (in  form,  scope  and  substance)  shall be
                                    reasonably satisfactory to the underwriters,
                                    if any,  and the  holders of not less than a
                                    majority  in value  (based  on the  proposed
                                    public  offering  price) of the  Registrable
                                    Securities  being  sold,  addressed  to each
                                    selling holder and the underwriters, if any,
                                    covering the matters  customarily covered in
                                    opinions requested in underwritten offerings
                                    and such other  matters as may be reasonably
                                    requested by such holders and underwriters;

                           (C)      obtain  so-called "cold comfort" letters and
                                    updates   thereof  from  ATC's   independent
                                    public accountants  addressed to the selling
                                    holders of  Registrable  Securities  and the
                                    underwriters,  if any, such letters to be in
                                    customary  form and covering  matters of the
                                    type  customarily  covered in "cold comfort"
                                    letters to  underwriters  in connection with
                                    primary  underwritten   offerings  and  such
                                    other matters as may be reasonably requested
                                    by such holders and underwriters;

                           (D)      if  an  underwriting  agreement  is  entered
                                    into,  cause  the same to set  forth in full
                                    the    indemnification     provisions    and
                                    procedures  of  Section  3  (or  such  other
                                    substantially    similar    provisions   and
                                    procedures   as   the   underwriters   shall
                                    reasonably  request)  with  respect  to  all
                                    parties to be  indemnified  pursuant to said
                                    Section; and

                           (E)      deliver such documents and  certificates  as
                                    may be  reasonably  requested by the holders
                                    of not less than a majority in value  (based
                                    on the proposed  public  offering  price) of
                                    the Registrable Securities being sold or the
                                    underwriters, if any, to evidence compliance
                                    with the provisions of this Section and with
                                    any  customary  conditions  contained in the
                                    underwriting  agreement  or other  agreement
                                    entered into by ATC.

                  The  requirements  of  subparagraphs  (B), (C) and (D) of this
                  paragraph (xv) shall be complied with at the  effectiveness of
                  such   Registration   Statement,   each   closing   under  any
                  underwriting  or  similar  agreement  as  and  to  the  extent
                  required thereunder and from time to time as may reasonably be
                  requested by a majority in value (based on the proposed public
                  offering price) of Registrable  Securities being sold pursuant
                  to such  Registration  Statement,  all in a manner  consistent
                  with customary industry practice;

                  (xvi) make available to a representative of the holders of not
         less than a majority in value  (based on the proposed  public  offering
         price) of the Registrable Securities,  any underwriter participating in
         any  disposition  pursuant  to  such  Registration  Statement,  and any
         attorney or  accountant  retained by such holders or  underwriter,  all
         financial,  corporate and other records and documents of ATC, and cause
         ATC's  officers,  directors  and  employees  to supply all  information
         reasonably requested by any such representatives, underwriter, attorney
         or accountant in connection with the registration, with respect to each
         at such time or times as the person requesting such


         information shall reasonably  determine;  provided,  however,  that any
         records, information or documents that are designated by ATC in writing
         as  confidential  shall be kept  confidential  by such  persons  unless
         disclosure  of such  records,  information  or documents is required by
         court or  administrative  order or applicable law or otherwise  becomes
         public without breach of the provisions of this paragraph;

                  (xvii) otherwise use its reasonable business efforts to comply
         with the  Securities  Act, the Exchange Act, all  applicable  rules and
         regulations of the  Commission  and all  applicable  state blue sky and
         other  securities  laws,  rules  and  regulations,  and make  generally
         available to its security holders,  earnings statements  satisfying the
         provisions of Section 11(a) of the Securities Act, no later than thirty
         (30) days after the end of any 12-month  period (or ninety (90) days if
         the end of such  12-month  period  coincides  with  the end of a fiscal
         quarter or fiscal year,  respectively) of ATC (A) commencing at the end
         of any month in which  Registrable  Securities are sold to underwriters
         in an underwritten offering, or, if not sold to underwriters in such an
         offering,  (B)  beginning  with the first  month  commencing  after the
         effective date of the  Registration  Statement,  which statements shall
         cover said 12-month periods;

                  (xviii)  cooperate  and assist in any  filings  required to be
         made  with  the  NASD  and in the  performance  of  any  due  diligence
         investigation by any underwriter  (including any "qualified independent
         underwriter"  that is required to be  retained in  accordance  with the
         rules and regulations of the NASD);

                  (xix) promptly prior to the filing of any document which is to
         be  incorporated  by reference into the  Registration  Statement or the
         Prospectus  (after the initial  filing of the  Registration  Statement)
         provide  copies of such document to the selling  holders of Registrable
         Securities,  the  underwriters,  if any, and their respective  counsel,
         make ATC's  representatives  available for  discussion of such document
         with such persons and make such changes in such  document  prior to the
         filing thereof as any such persons may reasonably request; and

                  (xx)  cooperate and assist in any filings  required to be made
         with  the  FCC,  including  without  limitation  the  obtaining  of any
         consents of the FCC required in  connection  with any change in control
         of ATC.

         (d) Restrictions on Registration. Anything in Section 1 to the contrary
notwithstanding, ATC shall not be required to register Registrable Securities on
behalf of any  Stockholder to the following  extent and subject to the following
conditions:  in the  case of any  registration  initially  proposed  to be filed
solely on behalf of ATC if, in the opinion of the managing  underwriters  of the
proposed  public  offering (a copy of which opinion shall have been furnished to
any Stockholder requesting  registration (or each such holder if ATC has elected
not to notify the holders of Registrable  Securities  pursuant to the provisions
of Section 1(a) because it is not required to include any Registrable Securities
in  such  registration  pursuant  to the  provisions  of  this  Section)),  such
registration (or such portion thereof as may be specified in such opinion) would
adversely  affect the proposed public offering price or the plan of distribution
contemplated  by the proposed ATC offering,  in which event ATC shall (unless in
the opinion of such  managing  underwriters  (a copy of which shall be similarly
furnished) to do so would  materially and adversely  affect the proposed  public
offering price or such plan of distribution)) cause such Registration  Statement
to remain in effect and to be phrased in such a manner so that the  Stockholders
requesting registration thereunder may, during a period commencing not less than
sixty  (60) days or more than  ninety  (90) days (or such  other  period as such
managing  underwriters  may approve as not so adversely  affecting  the proposed
public  offering  price or such plan of  distribution)  after the closing of the
sale to the underwriters pursuant to the original distribution thereunder, offer
and sell under such Registration  Statement the Registrable  Securities referred
to in the request of registration pursuant to this Section 1.

         (e) Additional Restrictions on Registration. Anything in this Agreement
to  the  contrary  notwithstanding,   ATC  shall  not  be  required  to  file  a
registration statement requested pursuant to this Section


1 if ATC has furnished,  to the Stockholders requesting a registration statement
to be filed, a certificate  signed by the Chief  Executive  Officer or the Chief
Financial  Officer of ATC stating that in the good faith  judgment of the signer
of such  certificate  the filing of a registration  statement  would require the
disclosure of material information that ATC has a bona fide business purpose for
preserving  as  confidential  and  that is not  then  otherwise  required  to be
disclosed;  provided,  however,  that  ATC's  obligation  to use its  reasonable
business efforts to effect a registration  pursuant to this Section 1 may not be
deferred  pursuant to this paragraph (e) for more than ninety (90) days from the
date of  receipt  of a written  request  from such  Stockholders,  and  provided
further,  however,  that ATC shall not utilize  this right more than once during
any  twelve  (12)  month  period  unless  the   Stockholders   requesting   such
registration  have been afforded a reasonable  period (not less than ninety (90)
days) during such twelve (12) month period to effect such registration.

         2.       Conditions to Registration.

         Each Stockholder's right to have Registrable Securities included in any
Registration Statement filed by ATC in accordance with the provisions of Section
1 shall be subject to the following conditions:

                  (a) The holders on whose  behalf such  Registrable  Securities
         are to be included  shall be required to furnish ATC in a timely manner
         with all information  required by the applicable  rules and regulations
         of the  Commission  concerning  the  proposed  method  of sale or other
         disposition  of  such  Registrable  Securities,  the  identity  of  and
         compensation to be paid to any proposed  underwriters to be employed in
         connection  therewith,  and such other information as may be reasonably
         requested  by ATC or its  counsel  properly  to  prepare  and file such
         Registration  Statement in accordance with applicable provisions of the
         Securities Act;

                  (b)  If  any  such  holder  desires  to  sell  and  distribute
         Registrable  Securities over a period of time, or from time to time, at
         then prevailing  market prices,  then any such holder shall execute and
         deliver to ATC such  written  undertakings  as ATC and its  counsel may
         reasonably  request in order to assure full  compliance with applicable
         provisions of the Securities Act and the Exchange Act;

                  (c) In the case of any underwritten  offering on behalf of the
         holders of Registrable Securities pursuant to the provisions of Section
         1(b),  the  managing  underwriters  shall be subject to the approval of
         ATC,  such  approval  not  to  be  unreasonably  withheld,  delayed  or

                  (d) In the case of any registration  requested pursuant to the
         provisions  of Section  1(a),  the offering  price for any  Registrable
         Securities to be so registered shall be no less than for any securities
         of the same class then to be registered for sale for the account of ATC
         or other security holders, unless such Registrable Securities are to be
         offered from time to time based on the prevailing market price;

                  (e) Upon  receipt of any notice from ATC of the  existence  of
         any event of the nature referred to in paragraph (iii) of Section 1(c),
         such holder  will  forthwith  discontinue  disposition  of  Registrable
         Securities until such holders receipt of the copies of the supplemented
         or amended  Prospectus  contemplated by such paragraph,  or until it is
         advised  in  writing  by ATC  that  the  use of the  Prospectus  may be
         resumed,  and has received  copies of any  additional  or  supplemental
         filings which are incorporated by reference in the Prospectus,  and, if
         so directed by ATC,  such holder will  deliver to ATC (at its  expense)
         all copies,  other than  permanent  file  copies then in such  holder's
         possession,  of the  Prospectus  covering such  Registrable  Securities
         current at the time of receipt of such notice; and

                  (f) In the  event any  filing  with or  consent  of the FCC is
         required,  cooperate and assist in any such filings,  including without
         limitation providing all information required in obtaining any consents
         of the FCC required in connection with any change in control of ATC.


         3.       Indemnification.

         (a)  Indemnification  by ATC. In the event of the  registration  of any
Registrable  Securities  under the  Securities  Act  pursuant to the  provisions
hereof,  ATC will, to the extent permitted by Applicable Law, indemnify and hold
harmless each Stockholder on whose behalf such Registrable Securities shall have
been registered, its partners,  trustees, advisory committee members, directors,
officers,  employees,  representatives and agents, each underwriter,  broker and
dealer,  if any, who  participates  in the offering or sale of such  Registrable
Securities,  and each other Person, if any, who controls such Stockholder or any
such  underwriter,  broker or dealer within the meaning of the Securities Act or
the Exchange Act (each such person being hereinafter sometimes referred to as an
"indemnified  person"),  from and against any Claims, joint or several, to which
such indemnified  person may become subject,  including without limitation under
the  Securities  Act, the Exchange Act or any state  securities or blue sky law,
insofar as such Claims  arise out of or are based upon any untrue  statement  or
alleged  untrue  statement of any material  fact  contained or  incorporated  by
reference  in any  Registration  Statement  or  Prospectus  or any  amendment or
supplement   thereto  or  in  any  preliminary   prospectus,   or  any  document
incorporated by reference therein, or arise out of or based upon the omission or
alleged  omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein
or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under
which they were made, not misleading,  and will reimburse each such  indemnified
person  for  any  legal  or any  other  expenses  reasonably  incurred  by  such
indemnified  person in connection with  investigating or defending,  settling or
satisfying any such Claim; provided, however, that ATC will not be liable in any
such case to the extent  that any such  Claim  arises out of or is based upon an
untrue  statement or alleged  untrue  statement or omission or alleged  omission
made or incorporated  by reference in the  Registration  Statement,  Prospectus,
amendment  or  supplement  in  reliance  upon  and in  conformity  with  written
information  furnished to ATC by such indemnified  person  specifically  stating
that it is for use in preparation  thereof.  Such indemnity shall remain in full
force and effect  regardless of any  investigation  made by or on behalf of such
indemnified person and shall survive the transfer of such Registrable Securities
by such Stockholder

         (b) Indemnification by Holders of Registrable Securities.  In the event
of the  registration  of any  Registrable  Securities  under the  Securities Act
pursuant  to the  provisions  hereof,  each  Stockholder  on whose  behalf  such
Registrable  Securities shall have been registered will, to the extent permitted
by Applicable Law, severally but not jointly,  indemnify and hold harmless, ATC,
each director of ATC, each officer of ATC who signs the registration  statement,
each  underwriter,  broker and dealer,  if any, who participates in the offering
and sale of such  Registrable  Securities  and each other  Person,  if any,  who
controls ATC or any such underwriter, broker or dealer within the meaning of the
Securities  Act  or  the  Exchange  Act  (each  such  person  including  without
limitation  ATC  being  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to as an  "indemnified
person"), against any Claims, joint or several, to which such indemnified person
may become subject,  including without  limitation under the Securities Act, the
Exchange  Act or any state  securities  or blue sky law,  insofar as such Claims
arise out of or are based upon any untrue  statement or alleged untrue statement
of a material fact contained or  incorporated  by reference in any  Registration
Statement or Prospectus  or any amendment or supplement  thereto or any document
incorporated  by  reference  therein,  or  arise  out of or are  based  upon the
omission or alleged  omission to state  therein a material  fact  required to be
stated  therein or necessary  to make the  statements  therein,  in light of the
circumstances  under which they were made,  not  misleading,  provided that such
untrue statement or alleged untrue statement or omission or alleged omission has
been made or  incorporated  therein  in  reliance  upon and in  conformity  with
written information  furnished to ATC by such Stockholder  specifically  stating
that  it is for  use in  preparation  thereof,  and  will  reimburse  each  such
indemnified  person for any legal or any other expenses  reasonably  incurred by
ATC or such  indemnified  person in connection with  investigating or defending,
settling or satisfying any such Claim. Such indemnity shall remain in full force
and  effect  regardless  of any  investigation  made  by or on  behalf  of  such
indemnified person and shall survive the transfer of such Registrable Securities
by such  Stockholder.  In no event shall the  liability of any such  Stockholder
hereunder be greater in amount than the dollar  amount of the proceeds  received
by such Stockholder upon the sale of the Registrable  Securities  giving rise to
such indemnification obligation.


         (c) Procedure. Promptly after receipt by an indemnified party of notice
of the commencement of any action  (including any governmental  investigation or
inquiry),  such  indemnified  party will, if a claim in respect thereof is to be
made against an  indemnifying  party,  give written notice to such  indemnifying
party  of  the  commencement   thereof,  but  the  omission  so  to  notify  the
indemnifying  party will not relieve it from any liability  which it may have to
any indemnified  party otherwise than pursuant to the provisions of this Section
and then only to the extent  such  indemnifying  party has been  prejudiced,  or
otherwise  adversely affected thereby and in no event shall such failure relieve
the  indemnifying  party  from  any  other  liability  which  it may have to the
indemnified  party.  In case any such action is brought  against any indemnified
party, and it notifies an indemnifying  party of the commencement  thereof,  the
indemnifying party will be entitled to participate in, and to the extent that it
may wish,  jointly with any other  indemnifying  party  similarly  notified,  to
assume  the  defense  thereof,  with  counsel  reasonably  satisfactory  to such
indemnified  party,  and  after  notice  from  the  indemnifying  party  to such
indemnified  party,  the  indemnifying  party shall not,  except as  hereinafter
provided,  be responsible for any legal or other expenses  subsequently incurred
by such  indemnified  party in connection with the defense  thereof,  other than
reasonable cost of investigation. No indemnifying party will consent to entry of
any  judgment  or enter  into  any  settlement  which  does  not  include  as an
unconditional  term  thereof  the giving by the  claimant or  plaintiff  to such
indemnified party of a release from all liability in respect to such Claim.

         Such indemnified  party shall have the right to employ separate counsel
in any such action and to participate in the defense  thereof,  but the fees and
expenses of such counsel shall be the expense of such indemnified party,  unless
(i) the  indemnifying  party has agreed to pay such fees and expenses,  (ii) the
indemnifying  party  shall have  failed to assume the  defense of such action or
proceeding  or has  failed to employ  counsel  reasonably  satisfactory  to such
indemnified  party in any such action or proceeding,  or (iii) the named parties
to any such action or proceeding  (including any impleaded parties) include both
such indemnified  party and the indemnifying  party, and such indemnified  party
shall  have been  advised in writing  by  counsel  that  representation  of both
parties by the same counsel  would be  inappropriate  due to actual or potential
material  differing  interests  between them (in which case, if such indemnified
party  notifies  the  indemnifying  party in  writing  that it  elects to employ
separate  counsel at the expense of the  indemnifying  party,  the  indemnifying
party  shall  not have  the  right to  assume  the  defense  of such  action  or
proceeding on behalf of such indemnified  party, it being  understood,  however,
that the indemnifying party shall not, in connection with any one such action or
proceeding  or  separate  but  substantially   similar  or  related  actions  or
proceedings in the same jurisdiction arising out of the same general allegations
or circumstances,  be liable for the fees and expenses of more than one separate
firm of  attorneys  at any  time  for  such  indemnified  party  and  any  other
indemnified  parties,  which  firm  shall  be  designated  in  writing  by  such
indemnified  parties).  The  indemnifying  party  shall  not be  liable  for any
settlement  of any such  action  or  proceeding  effected  without  its  written
consent,  but if  settled  with  its  written  consent,  or if  there be a final
judgment for the plaintiff in any such action or  proceeding,  the  indemnifying
party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless  such  indemnified  parties from and
against any loss or liability by reason of such settlement or judgment.

         (d) Contribution.  If the indemnification  provided for in this Section
or in Section 4 is unavailable,  because  prohibited or restricted by Applicable
Law,  to a party that would have been an  indemnified  party  under  either such
Section in respect of any Claims referred to therein, then each party that would
have been an indemnifying  party thereunder  shall, in lieu of indemnifying such
indemnified party,  contribute to the amount paid or payable by such indemnified
party as a result of such Claims in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect
the  relative  fault  of  the  indemnifying  party  on the  one  hand  and  such
indemnified  party on the other in  connection  with the  statement  or omission
which  resulted  in  such  Claims,  as  well  as any  other  relevant  equitable
considerations.  The relative  fault shall be  determined by reference to, among
other things,  whether the untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact
or the  omission  or  alleged  omission  to state a  material  fact  relates  to
information supplied by the indemnifying party or such indemnified party and the
parties'  relative intent,  knowledge,  access to information and opportunity to
correct or prevent such statement or omission. Notwithstanding the provisions of
this Section,  a holder of Registrable  Securities  shall not, as an indemnified
party, be required to contribute any amount in excess of the amount by which the
total price at which the Registrable  Securities sold by such indemnified  party
or its  Affiliates  and  distributed  to the public  were  offered to the public
exceeds the amount of any damages


which such  indemnified  party or its Affiliates have otherwise been required to
pay by reason of such untrue or alleged untrue  statement or omission or alleged
omission. ATC and each holder of Registrable Securities agrees that it would not
be just and equitable if  contribution  pursuant to this Section were determined
by pro rata allocation or by any other method of allocation  which does not take
account of the equitable  considerations  referred to above in this Section. The
amount  paid or  payable  by an  indemnified  party  as a result  of the  Claims
referred to above in this Section or Section 4 shall  include any legal or other
expenses  reasonably  incurred  by such  indemnified  party in  connection  with
investigation  or defending  any such action or claim (which shall be limited as
provided in Section  3(c) if the  indemnifying  party has assumed the defense of
any such action in accordance with the provisions  thereof).  The obligations of
each Stockholder under this Section 3(d) are several and not joint.

         No person guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation (within the meaning of
Section 11(f) of the Securities Act) shall be entitled to contribution  from any
person who was not guilty of such fraudulent misrepresentation.

         Indemnification  or,  if  appropriate,  contribution,  similar  to that
specified  in  the  preceding  provisions  of  this  Section  (with  appropriate
modifications)  shall be given by ATC and each seller of Registrable  Securities
with respect to any required  registration or other qualification of Registrable
Securities under any Applicable Law other than the Securities Act.

         In the event of any  underwritten  offering of  Registrable  Securities
under the  Securities  Act pursuant to the provisions of Section 1, ATC and each
Stockholder on whose behalf  Registrable  Securities  shall have been registered
agree to enter  into an  underwriting  agreement,  in  standard  form,  with the
underwriters,  which underwriting  agreement may contain  additional  provisions
with respect to  indemnification  and  contribution in lieu of the provisions of
this Section.

         4.       Exchange Act Registration.

         ATC covenants  and agrees that, at its expense,  until such time as the
Stockholders no longer hold any Registrable Securities:

                  (a) it will,  if  required  by law,  maintain  a  registration
         statement  (containing such information and documents as the Commission
         shall  specify)  with respect to the Common Stock of ATC under  Section
         12(b) or 12(g) of the Exchange Act effective and will file on time such
         information,  documents  and reports as the  Commission  may require or
         prescribe for  companies  whose stock has been  registered  pursuant to
         said Section 12(b) or 12(g);

                  (b) it will, if a  registration  statement with respect to the
         Common Stock of ATC under  Section 12(b) or Section 12(g) is effective,
         upon the request of any  Stockholder,  make whatever other filings with
         the Commission or otherwise make generally available to the public such
         financial and other  information as any  Stockholder may deem necessary
         or  advisable  in order to enable him to be permitted to sell shares of
         Common Stock pursuant to the provisions of Rule 144  promulgated  under
         the Securities Act (or any successor rule or regulation  thereto or any
         statute hereafter adopted to replace or to establish the exemption that
         is now covered by said Rule 144);

                  (c) it will,  if not  subject  to  Section  13 to 15(d) of the
         Exchange Act, upon the request of any Significant  Stockholder  made on
         or after  December 31, 1998,  make publicly  available the  information
         specified in  subparagraph  (c)(2) of said Rule 144, and will take such
         further action as any  Stockholder may reasonably  request,  all to the
         extent  required from time to time to enable such  Stockholder  to sell
         Registrable  Securities  without  registration under the Securities Act
         within the limitation of the  exemptions  provided by said Rule 144 (or
         any  successor  rule or  regulation  to either  thereof or any  statute
         hereafter  adopted to replace or to establish the exemption that is now
         covered by said Rule 144); and


                  (d) it will,  if not  subject  to  Section  13 to 15(d) of the
         Exchange Act, upon the request of any Stockholder agree to furnish to a
         prospective   purchaser   (subject  to  the   execution   by  it  of  a
         confidentiality  agreement  in form,  scope  and  substance  reasonably
         satisfactory to ATC) the information  specified in subparagraph  (d)(4)
         of Rule 144A  promulgated  under the  Securities  Act (or any successor
         rule or regulation  thereto or any statute hereafter adopted to replace
         or to establish the  exemption  that is now covered by said Rule 144A),
         and will take such further  action as any  Stockholder  may  reasonably
         request,  all to the extent  required  from time to time to enable such
         Stockholder to sell Registrable  Securities without  registration under
         the Securities Act within the limitation of the exemptions  provided by
         said Rule 144A (or any  successor  rule or  regulation  thereto  or any
         statute hereafter adopted to replace or to establish the exemption that
         is now covered by said Rule 144A); and

                  (e) upon the request of any  Stockholder,  it will  deliver to
         such Stockholder a written statement as to whether it has complied with
         the requirements of this Section.

         ATC represents and warrants that any such registration statement or any
information,  documents  or  report  filed  with the  Commission  in  connection
therewith  or any  information  so made  public  shall not  contain  any  untrue
statement  of a material  fact or omit to state a material  fact  required to be
stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements  contained  therein,
in light of the  circumstances  under which they were made, not misleading.  ATC
shall, to the extent  permitted by Applicable  Law,  indemnify and hold harmless
(or to the  extent  the  same  is not  enforceable,  make  contribution  to) the
Stockholders,  their partners,  trustees,  advisory committee members, officers,
directors,  employees,  representatives  and  agents,  each  broker,  dealer  or
underwriter   (within  the  meaning  of  the  Securities  Act)  acting  for  any
Stockholder  in  connection  with any  offering or sale by such  Stockholder  of
Registrable  Securities or any person,  firm or corporation  controlling (within
the meaning of Section 15 of the  Securities  Act or Section 20 of the  Exchange
Act) such Stockholder or any such broker, dealer or underwriter from and against
any and all Claims  arising out of or resulting from any breach of the foregoing
representation or warranty,  all on terms and conditions comparable to those set
forth in Section 3;  provided,  however,  that ATC shall be given written notice
and an opportunity  to  participate  in, and, to the extent that it may wish, to
assume on terms and  conditions  comparable to those set forth in Section 3, the
defense thereof.

         5.       Termination of Registration Obligations.

         The obligations of ATC to any Stockholder with respect to its rights of
registration provided for in Section 1:

                  (a) shall  continue  until such time as  Sullivan &  Worcester
         LLP, or other counsel for ATC  knowledgeable  in securities law matters
         and reasonably  acceptable to such  Stockholder has delivered a written
         opinion to ATC and such  Stockholder to the effect that either (i) such
         Stockholder has no further  obligation to comply with the  registration
         requirements  of the Securities Act or to deliver a prospectus  meeting
         the   requirements  of  Section  10(a)(3)  of  the  Securities  Act  in
         connection  with  further  sales  by such  Stockholder  of  Registrable
         Securities  or  (ii)  such  Stockholder  is  able  to  sell  all of the
         Registrable  Securities owned by him pursuant to the provisions of Rule
         144 under the Securities Act in a three-month period; and

                  (b)  shall  not   apply  to  any   proposed   sales  or  other
         dispositions  or offers  therefor of any  Registrable  Securities  with
         respect to which  Sullivan & Worcester  LLP,  or other  counsel for ATC
         knowledgeable  in securities law matters and  reasonably  acceptable to
         such  Stockholder  has  delivered  a  written  opinion  to ATC  and the
         Stockholder  proposing to make such offer, sale or other disposition to
         the effect that such  Stockholder  has no obligation to comply with the
         registration  requirements  of  the  Securities  Act  or to  deliver  a
         prospectus   meeting  the  requirements  of  Section  10(a)(3)  of  the
         Securities Act.


         Any  such  opinion  (a  copy  of  which  shall  be  addressed  to  such
Stockholder) shall be reasonably satisfactory (in the case of such opinion as to
form, scope and substance) to such Stockholder.

         ATC shall,  to the extent  permitted by Applicable  Law,  indemnify and
hold  harmless each  Stockholder,  its partners,  trustees,  advisory  committee
members,  officers,  directors,  employees,  representatives and agents and each
person,  if any,  who  controls  such  Stockholder  within the meaning of either
Section 15 of the Securities Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act,  against any
Claims to which such Stockholder, or such partners, trustees, advisory committee
members,  officers,   directors,   employees,   representatives  and  agents  or
controlling  persons may become subject under the  Securities  Act, the Exchange
Act or  otherwise,  insofar  as such  Claims  arise out of or are based upon the
failure to register the Registrable  Securities because of the invocation by ATC
of the  provisions  of this Section under the  Securities  Act, all on terms and
conditions  comparable to those set forth in Section 3; provided,  however, that
ATC shall be given written notice and an  opportunity to participate  in, and to
the extent that it may wish, to assume,  on terms and  conditions  comparable to
those set forth in Section 3, the defense thereof.

         The  indemnification  and contributions  provisions of Sections 3 and 4
and this  Section,  and the  obligations  of each  Stockholder  pursuant  to the
provisions  of Section 9, shall  survive any  termination  of ATC's  obligations
pursuant to this Section.

         6.       Registration Rights of Others.

         ATC represents and warrants that it has not previously entered into any
agreement with respect to its securities granting any registration rights to any

         7.       Mergers, etc.

         In addition to any other  restrictions on mergers,  consolidations  and
reorganizations contained in the Restated Certificate of Incorporation,  by-laws
or agreements  of ATC, ATC  covenants and agrees that it shall not,  directly or
indirectly, enter into any merger,  consolidation,  sale of all or substantially
all of its assets or business,  liquidation,  dissolution or  reorganization  in
which  ATC  shall  not  be  the  surviving   corporation  unless  the  surviving
corporation shall, prior to such merger, consolidation or reorganization,  agree
in a writing to assume all of the obligations of ATC under this  Agreement,  and
for that purpose  references  hereunder  to  "Registrable  Securities"  shall be
deemed to include the securities which such holders would be entitled to receive
in  exchange   for   Registrable   Securities   pursuant  to  any  such  merger,
consolidation,  sale of all or  substantially  all of its  assets  or  business,
liquidation, dissolution or reorganization.

         8.       Annual and Quarterly Reports; Other Information.

         ATC will deliver to each Stockholder so long as such Stockholder  holds
any Registrable Securities:

                  (a) as soon as  practicable  after the end of each fiscal year
         and each quarter,  audited annual and unaudited  consolidated quarterly
         financial  statements of ATC, including a consolidated balance sheet, a
         consolidated  statement of operations,  and a consolidated statement of
         cash flow,  for such year or quarter,  all prepared in accordance  with
         generally accepted accounting principles;

                  (b) as soon as available,  copies of all documents  filed with
         the Commission; and

                  (c) such other  financial and other  information  as may, from
         time to time, be reasonably requested by any Significant Stockholder.


         9.       Lock-Up Agreement.

         Each Stockholder  (other than any Stockholder who is not a director and
owns,  at such time,  2% or less of all of the Common  Stock)  agrees  that,  if
required  in  connection  with  the   contemplated   offering  by  the  managing
underwriter,  (a) it  and  the  Restricted  Securities  shall  be  bound  by any
"lock-up" or other agreement between ATC and any underwriter of Common Stock (or
other equity  securities  of ATC) which may be entered into in  connection  with
each  underwritten  public  offering  of  the  Common  Stock  (or  other  equity
securities of ATC) so long as the  "lock-up"  period does not exceed ninety (90)
days (or such longer period (not exceeding one hundred and eighty (180) days) in
connection with the initial underwritten public offering of Class A Common Stock
as the managing underwriters shall have requested) following the commencement of
the public offering,  and (b) it will execute such agreements or other documents
as may be reasonably  requested by any such underwriter in order to evidence its
agreement set forth in this Section.

         10.      Withdrawals.

         Any  Stockholder  may at any time withdraw any request made pursuant to
Section 1 for  registration of its Registrable  Securities;  provided,  however,
that to the extent that such  withdrawal or withdrawals  result in a termination
of any offering  proposed to be made  pursuant to Section 1, ATC shall be deemed
to have  consummated  such  offering  for  purposes  of  Section  1 unless  such
Stockholder(s) agree to reimburse ATC for all Registration  Expenses incurred by
ATC in connection with such terminated offering. Notwithstanding anything in the
foregoing  provisions  of this Section to the contrary,  the  provisions of this
Section  shall  not be  applicable  in the  event  that any such  withdrawal  or
withdrawals  resulting in such  termination is or are effected on account of (a)
ATC's  failure to disclose  any  material  fact  required to be disclosed in the
registration  statement or any  prospectus  relating to such offering or (b) any
material adverse change in ATC, its business,  assets or condition (financial or

         11.      Definitions.

         As used herein,  unless the context otherwise  requires,  the terms (or
any  variant in the form  thereof)  set forth in this  Agreement  shall have the
respective  meanings so set forth.  Terms  defined in the singular  shall have a
comparable meaning when used in the plural, and vice versa, and the reference to
any gender shall be deemed to include all genders.  Unless otherwise  defined or
the context otherwise clearly requires, terms for which meanings are provided in
this  Agreement  shall have such meanings when used in each  agreement,  notice,
certificate, communication, opinion or other document executed or required to be
executed pursuant hereto or thereto or otherwise  delivered,  from time to time,
pursuant hereto or thereto.

         "Affiliate"  of any Person  shall mean any Person  which,  directly  or
indirectly,  owns or controls,  is under common ownership or control with, or is
owned or controlled by, such Person.  A Person shall be deemed to be "controlled
by" any other Person if such other  Person  possesses,  directly or  indirectly,
power to direct or cause the  direction  of the  management  or policies of such
Person or the disposition of its assets or property, whether by stock, equity or
other ownership, contract, arrangement or understanding, or otherwise.

         "Agreement" is defined in the first paragraph.

         "Applicable Law" shall mean any Law of any Authority,  whether domestic
or foreign,  including  without  limitation all federal and state Laws, to which
the  Person in  question  is subject  or by which it or any of its  business  or
operations is subject or any of its property is bound.

         "ARS"  shall  mean  American  Radio  Systems  Corporation,  a  Delaware


         "ARS Agreement" shall mean the Registration Rights Agreement,  dated as
of  November  1, 1993 by and among ARS and  certain  of the  Stockholders  named
therein, as amended and restated by the Original Registration Rights Agreement.

         "ARS Merger  Agreement"  shall mean the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,
dated as of September 19, 1997, as amended and restated as of December 18, 1997,
by and among ARS, CBS Corporation (formerly,  Westinghouse Electric Corporation)
and R Acquisition Corp.

         "ATC" is defined in the first paragraph.

         "ATC Stock Purchase Agreement" shall mean the Stock Purchase Agreement,
dated as of January 8, 1998, by and between ATC and certain of the  Stockholders
named therein.

         "Authority"   shall  mean  any   governmental   or   quasi-governmental
authority, whether executive, legislative, judicial, administrative or other, or
any  combination  thereof,  including  without  limitation  any federal,  state,
territorial,   county,   municipal  or  other   government  or  governmental  or
quasi-governmental agency, arbitrator, board, body, branch, bureau or comparable
agency or Entity, commission,  corporation, court, department,  instrumentality,
mediator,  panel,  system or other political unit or subdivision or other Entity
of any of the foregoing, whether domestic or foreign.

         "Claims"  shall mean,  with  respect to any Person,  any and all debts,
liabilities,   obligations,  losses,  damages,  deficiencies,   assessments  and
penalties of or against such Person, together with all Legal Actions, pending or
threatened,  claims and judgments of whatever kind and nature relating  thereto,
and all fees, costs,  expenses and disbursements  (including  without limitation
reasonable  attorneys' and other legal fees, costs and expenses) relating to any
of the foregoing.

         "Common Stock", "Class A Common", "Class B Common" or "Class C Common",
shall mean those respective  securities described in the Restated Certificate of
Incorporation of ATC.

         "Commission"  shall mean the Securities and Exchange  Commission or any
successor Authority.

         "Cox" shall mean Cox Telecom Towers, Inc., a Delaware corporation,  and
shall include any Affiliate of Cox to whom it shall have transferred Registrable
Securities in a  transaction  not involving a  registration  of such  securities
under the Securities Act.

         "CSFB Agreement" shall mean the registration rights agreement, dated as
of February 4, 1999, by and between ATC and Credit Suisse First Boston,  as from
time to time amended in accordance with its terms.

         "Entity" shall mean any corporation, firm, unincorporated organization,
association,  partnership, a trust (inter vivos or testamentary), an estate of a
deceased, insane or incompetent individual, business trust, joint stock company,
joint venture or other  organization,  entity or business,  whether acting in an
individual, fiduciary or other capacity, or any Authority.

         "Equity  Agreement"  shall mean any one of (i) the ARS Agreement,  (ii)
the ATC Stock  Purchase  Agreement;  (iii) the  Gearon  Agreement,  (iv) the ARS
Merger  Agreement,  and (v) any other  agreements  approved from time to time by
Board of  Directors  of ATC pursuant to which Common Stock of ATC may be issued.
"Equity Agreements" shall mean all of the foregoing agreements.

         "Event"  shall mean the  existence or  occurrence  of any act,  action,
activity,  circumstances,  condition,  event,  fact,  failure to act,  omission,
incident or practice, or any set or combination of any of the foregoing.

         "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, and the
rules and regulations of the Commission thereunder,  all as from time to time in
effect, or any successor law, rules or regulations, and


any reference to any statutory or regulatory  provision  shall be deemed to be a
reference to any successor statutory or regulatory provision.

         "Excluded  Offering"  shall  mean (a) an  offering  relating  solely to
dividend reinvestment plans or stock option or other employee benefit plans, (b)
any merger,  consolidation  or  acquisition,  (c) any exchange or tender  offer,
whether with existing security holders of ATC or any other Person, or (d) a firm
underwritten  offering  relating  solely  to  convertible  securities  or  units
consisting of securities senior to Common Stock and warrants, options and rights
to acquire Common Stock in which the managing  underwriters  shall have objected
to the inclusion of any Registrable Securities.

         "FCC" shall mean the Federal Communications Commission or any successor

         "Gearon  Agreement" shall mean the Agreement and Plan of Merger,  dated
as of November 21, 1997, by and among ATC,  American  Tower  Systems,  Inc. (now
known as American Towers, Inc.), Gearon & Co., Inc. and J. Michael Gearon, Jr.

         "Gearon  Stockholders"  shall mean the parties who received ATC Class A
Common Stock in exchange for their capital stock in Gearon & Co., Inc.  pursuant
to terms and provisions of the Gearon Agreement.  All registration  decisions of
the Gearon Stockholders under this Agreement shall be made by the holders of not
less than a majority in value  (based on the  proposed  public  offering) of the
Registrable Securities held by such Gearon Stockholders.

         "Law" shall mean any (a) administrative, judicial, legislative or other
action,  code,  consent  decree,  constitution,  decree,  directive,  enactment,
finding, law, injunction,  interpretation,  judgment,  order, ordinance,  policy
statement, proclamation,  promulgation,  regulation,  requirement, rule, rule of
law,  rule of  public  policy,  settlement  agreement,  statute,  or writ of any
Authority, domestic or foreign; (b) the common law, or other legal precedent; or
(c)  arbitrator's,   mediator's  or  referee's  award,   decision,   finding  or

         "Legal  Action"  shall mean,  with  respect to any Person,  any and all
litigation   or   legal   or   other   actions,   arbitrations,   counterclaims,
investigations, proceedings, requests for material information by or pursuant to
the  order of any  Authority  or  suits,  at law or in  arbitration,  equity  or
admiralty,  whether or not  purported  to be  brought on behalf of such  Person,
affecting such Person or any of such Person's business, property or assets.

         "NASD" shall mean the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.

         "NASDAQ" shall mean the automatic quotation system of NASD.

         "Original  Registration  Rights  Agreement"  is  defined  in the  first
Whereas clause.

         "Person" shall mean any natural individual or any Entity.

         "Prospectus"  shall mean each prospectus  included in any  Registration
Statement,  as amended or supplemented by any prospectus supplement with respect
to the  terms of the  offering  of any  portion  of the  Registrable  Securities
covered  by  the  Registration   Statement  and  by  all  other  amendments  and
supplements  to  the  prospectus,  including  each  preliminary  prospectus  and
post-effective  amendments  and all material  incorporated  by reference in such

         "Registrable  Securities"  shall  mean (a) all shares of Class A Common
Stock  acquired  by any of the  Stockholders  (i)  pursuant to any of the Equity
Agreements,  or (ii) directly or indirectly through one or more such conversions
or exchanges,  upon the exercise of conversion or exchange  provisions set forth
in other  securities  of ATC issued  pursuant  to the  provisions  of any of the
Equity  Agreements,  or pursuant to the  redemption  or  repurchase  of any such
securities,  and (b) all shares of Common  Stock of whatever  series or class or
other equity securities of ATC derived from the Registrable Securities,  whether
as a result of


merger,  consolidation,  stock split, stock dividend, stock distribution,  stock
combination, recapitalization or similar event.

         "Registration Expenses" shall mean all (or where appropriate any one or
more) of the following:

                  (a)  all registration, filing and listing fees;

                  (b) fees and expenses of  compliance  with  securities or blue
         sky   laws   (including   without   limitation   reasonable   fees  and
         disbursements  of counsel for the  underwriters  or selling  holders in
         connection  with blue sky and state  securities  qualifications  of the
         Registrable  Securities  under  the laws of such  jurisdictions  as the
         managing  underwriters  or the  holders of not less than a majority  in
         value (based on the proposed  public offering price) of the Registrable
         Securities being sold may designate);

                  (c)  printing   (including  without  limitation   expenses  of
         printing or engraving  certificates for the Registrable Securities in a
         form eligible for deposit with  Depositary  Trust Company and otherwise
         meeting the  requirements of any securities  exchange on which they are
         listed  and of  printing  Prospectuses),  word  processing,  messenger,
         telephone and delivery expenses;

                  (d) fees and  disbursements of counsel for ATC, and reasonable
         fees and  disbursements  of counsel  for the  underwriters  and for the
         selling  holders of the  Registrable  Securities in accordance with the
         provisions  of Section  1(c)(xiv)  (subject  to any  provisions  to the
         contrary in this Agreement);

                  (e)  fees  and   disbursements   of  all  independent   public
         accountants  of ATC (including  without  limitation the expenses of any
         annual or special  audit and "cold  comfort"  letters  required  by the
         provisions of this Agreement);

                  (f)  fees  and   disbursements   of  underwriters   (excluding
         discounts,  commissions  or fees  of  underwriters),  selling  brokers,
         dealer managers or similar securities industry  professionals  relating
         to the distribution of the Registrable  Securities or legal expenses of
         any Person other than ATC, the underwriters and the selling holders;

                  (g) securities act liability insurance if ATC so desires or if
         the  underwriters  or the  holders of not less than a majority in value
         (based  on the  proposed  public  offering  price)  of the  Registrable
         Securities being sold so require;

                  (h) fees and expenses of other Persons, including any experts,
         retained by ATC;

                  (i) fees and expenses  incurred in connection with the listing
         of the  Registrable  Securities  on each  securities  exchange on which
         securities of the same class are then listed;

                  (j) fees and expenses associated with any NASD filing required
         to be made in connection with any Registration Statement, including, if
         applicable,  the  fees  and  expenses  of  any  "qualified  independent
         underwriter"  (and its  counsel)  that is  required  to be  retained in
         accordance with the rules and regulations of the NASD;

                  (k) ATC's internal expenses  (including without limitation all
         salaries and expenses of its officers and employees performing legal or
         accounting duties); and

                  (l) all other costs and expenses normally  associated with the
         issuance and sale of newly issued public securities.

         "Registration  Statement" shall mean any registration  statement of ATC
which  covers  Registrable   Securities  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  this
Agreement, including the Prospectus, amendments, including


post-effective  amendments to such  registration  statement,  and supplements to
such  Prospectus and all exhibits and all material  incorporated by reference in
such registration statement.

         "Securities  Act" shall mean the  Securities Act of 1933, and the rules
and  regulations  of the  Commission  thereunder,  all as  from  time to time in
effect,  or any successor  law, rules or  regulations,  and any reference to any
statutory  or  regulatory  provision  shall be deemed to be a  reference  to any
successor statutory or regulatory provision.

         "Significant  Stockholder"  shall  mean  any  Stockholder,  or group of
Stockholders acting together,  which owns not less than the following percentage
or amount of Common Stock:

                  (a) if ATC is not then  subject  to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
         Exchange  Act, (i) shares of Common Stock with a market value (based on
         the proposed  public  offering price if the Common Stock is not, at the
         time, publicly traded) of not less than $25,000,000,  or (ii) 15.38% of
         the outstanding shares of Common Stock (on a fully diluted basis);

                  (b) if ATC is then so  subject  to  Section 13 or 15(d) of the
         Exchange  Act,  shares of Common  Stock with a market value of not less
         than  $10,000,000;   provided,   however,   that   notwithstanding  the
         foregoing,  in the  event  ATC  is,  at the  time of any  request  made
         pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section  1(b),  eligible  to  file a
         Registration Statement on Form S-3 (or any successor form) with respect
         to the proposed disposition of the Registrable  Securities with respect
         to which such request has been made, and such form is acceptable to the
         holders   making  such  request,   the  minimum  market  value  of  the
         Registrable Securities shall be not less than $5,000,000; and

                  (c) J. Michael  Gearon,  Jr. so long as he holds not less than
         fifty percent (50%) of the shares of Registrable Securities received by
         him pursuant to the  consummation of the Gearon  Agreement and proposes
         to register shares of Registrable Securities with a market value of not
         less than $10,000,000.

         "Stockholders"  shall mean those persons who executed this Agreement or
who  hereafter  become  parties to this  Agreement  by  executing a  counterpart
hereof, and is further defined in Section 12(a).

         "Subsidiary"  shall  mean,  with  respect to any  Person,  any Entity a
majority of the capital  stock  ordinarily  entitled to vote for the election of
directors,  or if no such voting stock is  outstanding  a majority of the equity
interests,  of which is owned  directly  or  indirectly  by such  Person  or any
Subsidiary of such Person.

         12.      Miscellaneous.

         (a) Assignment;  Successors and Assigns. In the event that ATC shall be
merged  with,  or  consolidated  into,  any other Entity or in the event that it
shall sell and transfer  substantially all of its assets to another Entity,  the
terms of this  Agreement  shall  inure to the benefit of, and be assumed by, the
Entity  resulting  from such merger or  consolidation,  or to which ATC's assets
shall  be sold and  transferred.  Anything  in this  Agreement  to the  contrary
notwithstanding,  the term  "Stockholders"  as used in this  Agreement  shall be
deemed  to  include  the  holders  from  time to time of any of the  Registrable
Securities,  whether or not they become  parties to this  Agreement,  except for
holders who have acquired Registrable  Securities in connection with an offering
registered under the Securities Act or pursuant to sales made in accordance with
Rule  144 (or any  successor  rule or  regulation  or  statute  in  substitution
therefor).  The rights to cause ATC to register Registrable  Securities pursuant
to Section 1 may be assigned in connection  with any transfer or assignment by a
holder of Registrable Securities;  provided, however, that (i) such transfer may
otherwise be effected in accordance  with  applicable  securities  laws and (ii)
such  transfer is  effected  in  compliance  with the  restrictions  on transfer
contained in any agreement between ATC and such holder.  ATC's obligations under
this Agreement shall not be assigned,  and its duties under this Agreement shall
not be  delegated,  except as  provided in the first  sentence of this  Section.
Nothing in this Agreement expressed


or implied is intended to and shall not be construed to confer upon or create in
any Person (other than the parties  hereto and their  permitted  successors  and
assigns) any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement,  including
without limitation any rights to enforce this Agreement.

         (b)  Specific  Performance;  Other  Rights  and  Remedies.  Each  party
recognizes and agrees that the other parties'  remedies at law for any breach of
the provisions of this Agreement  would be inadequate and agrees that for breach
of such provisions, each such party shall, in addition to such other remedies as
may be available to it at law or in equity or as provided in this Agreement,  be
entitled  to  injunctive  relief  and to  enforce  its  rights by an action  for
specific  performance  to the extent  permitted by Law. Each party hereby waives
any  requirement  for  security  or the  posting of any bond or other  surety in
connection  with any temporary or permanent  award of  injunctive,  mandatory or
other  equitable  relief.   Nothing  herein  contained  shall  be  construed  as
prohibiting any party from pursuing any other remedies  available to it for such
breach or  threatened  breach,  including  without  limitation  the  recovery of

         (c)  Expenses.  Each party shall pay its own  expenses  incident to the
negotiation,   preparation,   performance  and  enforcement  of  this  Agreement
(including  all  fees  and  expenses  of  its  counsel,  accountants  and  other
consultants,  advisors and  representatives  for all  activities of such persons
undertaken  pursuant  to  this  Agreement),   except  to  the  extent  otherwise
specifically set forth in this Agreement.

         (d) Entire Agreement.  This Agreement  constitutes the entire agreement
among the parties with respect to the subject  matter hereof and  supersedes all
prior agreements, arrangements, covenants, promises, conditions, understandings,
inducements,  representations  and negotiations,  expressed or implied,  oral or
written, among them as to such subject matter.

         (e) Waivers; Amendments.  Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to
the contrary,  amend ments to and  modifications  of this Agreement may be made,
required  consents  and  approvals  may be  granted,  compliance  with any term,
covenant,  agreement,  condition  or other  provision  set forth  herein  may be
omitted or waived,  either  generally  or in a  particular  instance  and either
retroactively or  prospectively  with, but only with, the written consent of ATC
(to the extent it is entitled to the benefit  thereof)  and (i) with  respect to
the rights of the  Stockholders  set forth in Section  1(b),  including  without
limitation  the definition of  Significant  Stockholder  (except with respect to
clause (c) of the definition of Significant  Stockholder which cannot be amended
or modified without the prior written consent of J. Michael Gearon,  Jr., or his
respective  successors  or  assigns),   two-thirds  (2/3)  in  interest  of  the
Stockholders,  and (ii) with respect to all other rights and  obligations of the
Stockholders, a majority in interest of the Stockholders (to the extent they are
entitled to the benefit thereof or obligated thereby);  provided,  however, that
(x) in the event any such amendment,  modification,  consent, approval or waiver
shall  be for the  benefit  of or  materially  adverse  to less  than all of the
Stockholders,  such amendment,  modification,  consent, approval or waiver shall
require a majority in interest of those  Stockholders  who are not so benefitted
or who are so  materially  adversely  affected and (y) ATC may from time to time
amend this Agreement solely to add Stockholders to this Agreement,  subject only
to the approval of the Board of Directors in accordance with Section 6.

         (f)  Notices.  All  notices  and  other  communications  which  by  any
provision of this Agreement are required or permitted to be given shall be given
in writing  and shall be (a) mailed by  first-class  or  express  mail,  postage
prepaid,  (b)  sent  by  telex,  telegram,  telecopy  or  other  form  of  rapid
transmission,  confirmed  by mailing  (by first class or express  mail,  postage
prepaid)  written  confirmation  at  substantially  the same time as such  rapid
transmission, or (c) personally delivered to the receiving party (which if other
than an  individual  shall  be an  officer  or  other  responsible  party of the
receiving party). All such notices and com munications shall be mailed,  sent or
delivered as follows:


         If to American Tower Corporation, at

                           116 Huntington Avenue
                           Boston, MA 02116
                           Attention: Steven B. Dodge, Chairman of the Boar
                                         and Chief Executive Officer
                           Facsimile: (617) 375-7575

                  with a copy to:

                           Sullivan & Worcester LLP
                           One Post Office Square
                           Boston, MA  02109
                           Attention:  Norman A. Bikales, Esq.
                           Facsimile:  (617) 338-2880

         If to any  Stockholder,  at his  address  as it  appears  on the  stock
         records of ATC,  and/or to such  other  person(s),  telex or  facsimile
         number(s) or address(es) as the party to receive any such communication
         or notice may have designated by written notice to the other parties.

         (g)  Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or
deemed  to  be,  or  shall  in  fact  be,  invalid,   inoperative,   illegal  or
unenforceable  as  applied  to  any  particular  case  in  any  jurisdiction  or
jurisdictions,  or in  all  jurisdictions  or  in  all  cases,  because  of  the
conflicting of any provision with any  constitution or statute or rule of public
policy or for any other reason,  such circumstance  shall not have the effect of
rendering the provision or provisions in question invalid, inoperative,  illegal
or unenforceable in any other  jurisdiction or in any other case or circumstance
or of rendering any other  provision or  provisions  herein  contained  invalid,
inoperative,  illegal or  unenforceable to the extent that such other provisions
are not themselves actually in conflict with such constitution,  statute or rule
of public policy, but this Agreement shall be reformed and construed in any such
jurisdiction or case as if such invalid,  inoperative,  illegal or unenforceable
provision had never been contained herein and such provision reformed so that it
would be valid,  operative and  enforceable to the maximum  extent  permitted in
such jurisdiction or in such case, except when such reformation and construction
could operate as an undue hardship on either party,  or constitute a substantial
deviation from the general intent and purpose of such party as reflected in this
Agreement.  The parties shall endeavor in good faith negotiations to replace the
invalid, inoperative, illegal or unenforceable provisions with valid, operative,
legal and enforceable  provisions the economic effect of which comes as close as
possible  to  that  of  the  invalid,  inoperative,   illegal  or  unenforceable

         (h)   Counterparts.   This   Agreement   may  be  executed  in  several
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together  shall  constitute  one and the same  instrument,  binding upon all the
parties hereto. In pleading or proving any provision of this Agreement, it shall
not be necessary to produce more than one of such counterparts.

         (i) Section Headings.  The headings contained in this Agreement are for
reference  purposes  only  and  shall  not in any  way  affect  the  meaning  or
interpretation of this Agreement.

         (j)  Governing  Law. The  validity,  interpretation,  construction  and
performance  of this Agreement  shall be governed by the applicable  laws of the
United States of America and the domestic  substantive  laws of the State of New
York without  giving effect to any choice or conflict of laws  provision or rule
that would  cause the  application  of  domestic  substantive  laws of any other

         (k) Further Acts.  Each party agrees that at any time, and from time to
time, before and after the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement,  it  will do all  such  things  and  execute  and  deliver  all  such
agreements,  assignments,  instruments,  other documents and assurances,  as any
other party or its counsel  reasonably  deems necessary or desirable in order to
carry out the terms and conditions of this


Agreement  and  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  or  to  facilitate  the
enjoyment of any of the rights created hereby or to be created hereunder.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed or caused to be executed
this Agreement as of February 25, 1999.

                             American Tower Corporation

                                Name: Steven B. Dodge
                                Title: Chairman of the Board and 
                                       Chief Executive Officer

                             Steven B. Dodge

                             Thomas S. Dodge Irrevocable Trust


                             Kristen A. Dodge Irrevocable Trust


                             Benjamin P. Dodge Irrevocable Trust


                             Norman A. Bikales

                             Alan L. Box

                             Charlton H. Buckley


                             Chase Equity Associates, L.P.
                             By Chase Capital Partners, General Partner


                             James S. Eisenstein

                             Arthur C. Kellar

                             Michael B. Milsom

                             Steven J. Moskowitz

                             Joseph L. Winn

                             Thomas H. Stoner

                             Thomas H. Stoner and Bessemer Trust Company,
                             Trustees of Ruth H. Spencer Irrevocable Trust


                             Bessemer Trust Company, Trustee of
                             Thomas H. Stoner Irrevocable Trust,


                              Katherine E. Stoner


                             Ruth Rochelle Stoner

                             Thomas Stoner, Jr.

                             Theodore A. Stoner

                             Katharine E. Stoner, Trustee of
                             Alden Ellsworth Stoner 30 Trust

                             Katharine E. Stoner, Trustee of
                             Lavonne Elizabeth Ellsworth 21 Trust

                             Bessemer Trust Company, Trustee of
                             Alden Elizabeth Stoner 35 Trust


                             Katharine and Thomas Stoner Foundation


                             Thomas H. Stoner Charitable Remainder Unitrust
                             dated May 3, 1993



                             Gearon Stockholders:

                                   J. Michael Gearon, Jr.

                             The 1997 Gearon Family Trust

                             By: J. Michael Gearon, Sr., Trustee

                                     Dan King Brainard

                                        Jeff Ebihara

                                         Doug Wiest


                             American Tower Corporation Stockholders:

                                       Fred R. Lummis

                             Clear Channel Communications, Inc.


                             Chase Manhattan Capital L.P.


                             The Spotted Dog Farm, L.P.

                             By: ________________________________
                                 General Partner

                             Webbmont Holdings, L.P.

                             By: ________________________________
                                 General Partner

                             Jack D. Furst

                             Catherine Forgrave Hicks 1993 Trust


                             John Alexander Hicks 1984 Trust



                              Mack Hardin Hicks 1984 Trust*


                              Robert Bradley Hicks 1984 Trust*


                              Thomas O. Hicks Jr. 1984 Trust*


                              Thomas O. Hicks*

                              William Cree Hicks 1992 Trust*


                              HMTF/Omni Partners, L.P.*


                              Dan H. Blanks*

                              David R. Deniger*

                              The Melanie Levitt Trust 1996*

                                    Michael J. Levitt


                             Michael J. Levitt*

                             The Stephen A. Levitt Trust 1996*

                                   Michael J. Levitt

                             John R. Muse*

                             Lawrence D. Stuart, Jr.*

                             Charles W. Tate*

                             Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated*


* Hicks,  Muse, Tate & Furst  Incorporated is hereby appointed as agent for this
signatory for purposes of this agreement.

                             Cox Telecom Towers, Inc.


                             TeleCom Towers, Inc.


                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1

               American Tower Contacts:  Joseph L. Winn, Chief Financial Officer
                                 or Emily Farina, Director of Investor Relations
                                                     Telephone:  (617)  375-7500

                                OmniAmerica Contacts:  Mark Semer or Roy Winnick
                                   Kekst and Company,  Telephone: (212) 521-4800


                                 COMPLETE MERGER

Boston, Massachusetts and Albuquerque, New Mexico - February 25, 1999 - American
Tower  Corporation  (NYSE: AMT) and OmniAmerica,  Inc. (NASDAQ:  XMIT) announced
today that they have completed their previously announced merger transaction.

American Tower issued  approximately 16.7 million shares of Class A Common Stock
to  OmniAmerica   stockholders  and  assumed  OmniAmerica's   outstanding  debt.
Consideration  for the merger also included the assumption of approximately  1.0
million  shares of OmniAmerica  employee  stock  options.  Shares of OmniAmerica
common  stock  ceased  trading  effective  today.  In  addition,  Jack D. Furst,
Chairman of OmniAmerica and a Partner of Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated,
OmniAmerica's largest shareholder,  will join the Board of Directors of American

Credit  Suisse  First  Boston  acted as  financial  advisor  to  American  Tower
Corporation in this transaction, and BT Wolfensohn acted as financial advisor to
OmniAmerica, Inc.

American  Tower is a leading  independent  owner and operator of  broadcast  and
wireless communications sites in the United States and, giving effect to pending
transactions,  will operate more than 3,200 towers in 44 states and the District
of Columbia. Based in Boston, the Company has a national footprint with regional
hubs in Boston, Albuquerque, Atlanta, Chicago, Houston and San Francisco.

         This press release  contains  "forward-looking  statements"  concerning
         future expectations, plans or strategies that involve a number of risks
         and  uncertainties.  The Company wishes to caution readers that certain
         factors may have affected the Company's  actual results and could cause
         results  for  subsequent   periods  to  differ  materially  from  those
         expressed in any forward-looking  statement made by or on behalf of the
         Company.  Such factors include,  but are not limited to (i) substantial
         capital  requirements and leverage  principally as a consequence of its
         ongoing  acquisitions and construction  activities,  (ii) dependence on
         demand  for  wireless  communications  and  implementation  of  digital
         television,  (iii) the  success of the  Company's'  tower  construction
         program  and  (iv)  the  successful  operational   integration  of  the
         Company's businesses acquisitions. The Company undertakes no obligation
         to update forward-looking  statements to reflect subsequently occurring
         events or circumstances.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02116 617-375-7500 FAX 617-375-7575
                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.2

                               Contact:  Joseph L. Winn, Chief Financial Officer
                                 or Emily Farina, Director of Investor Relations
                                                      Telephone:  (617) 375-7500



Boston,  Massachusetts - February 26, 1999 - American Tower  Corporation  (NYSE:
AMT)  announced  today that it has completed  the  previously  announced  merger
transaction with TeleCom Towers, L.LC.

American Tower issued  approximately 3.9 million shares of Class A Common Stock,
paid approximately $60.1 million in cash and assumed approximately $48.4 million
in debt,  of which  approximately  $44.1  million was paid off at  closing.  The
aggregate purchase price is also subject to certain working capital adjustments.
In addition, Dean H. Eisner, Vice President of Business Development and Planning
of Cox Enterprises, Inc. will join the Board of Directors of American Tower.

American  Tower is a leading  independent  owner and operator of  broadcast  and
wireless  communications  sites in the United States and currently operates more
than 3,200 towers in 44 states and the  District of  Columbia.  Based in Boston,
the Company has a national footprint with regional hubs in Boston,  Albuquerque,
Atlanta, Chicago, Houston and San Francisco.

         This press release  contains  "forward-looking  statements"  concerning
         future expectations, plans or strategies that involve a number of risks
         and  uncertainties.  The Company wishes to caution readers that certain
         factors may have affected the Company's  actual results and could cause
         results  for  subsequent   periods  to  differ  materially  from  those
         expressed in any forward-looking  statement made by or on behalf of the
         Company.  Such factors include,  but are not limited to (i) substantial
         capital  requirements and leverage  principally as a consequence of its
         ongoing  acquisitions and construction  activities,  (ii) dependence on
         demand  for  wireless  communications  and  implementation  of  digital
         television,  (iii) the  success of the  Company's'  tower  construction
         program  and  (iv)  the  successful  operational   integration  of  the
         Company's business  acquisitions.  The Company undertakes no obligation
         to update forward-looking  statements to reflect subsequently occurring
         events or circumstances.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 HUNTINGTON AVENUE, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02116 617-375-7500 FAX 617-375-7575